Travel, Travel Guides Melina Travel, Travel Guides Melina

My Favorite Vegan-Friendly Spots in the Camino de Santiago Francés

Walking the Camino de Santiago was one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life! I knew eating as a vegan could be a challenge, but I found several vegan-friendly spots in the Camino Francés. I put them all together in this list so you know where to eat plant-based food that’s delicious and nourishing, from the Pyrenees to the ocean in Finisterre. Buen camino!

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Travel, Travel Guides Melina Travel, Travel Guides Melina

How I Managed to Eat as a Vegan in the Camino de Santiago

The Camino de Santiago is a network of ancient pilgrim routes, that stretch across Europe. I walked the whole Camino Francés as a vegan and a celiac, and I felt strong every single day. At first, I thought it was going to be tough, but I that the only thing I needed was planning and experience. I prepared this guide to eating vegan in the Camino de Santiago, with everything I learned, step by step!

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