Travel, Travel Guides Melina Travel, Travel Guides Melina

The Sustainable Travel Guide to Rome

Rome has been the haven of many a lovebird, after all, Rome in Spanish is Roma, which turned backwards is amor, in other words: love. During my second visit to the Eternal City, I got to walk around aimlessly and discover its sustainable side, which allowed me to prepare this eco-friendly travel guide to Rome, so that when you have the chance to place your feet in this amazing city, you get to do so in the most environmentally-friendly way possible!

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Travel Melina Travel Melina

23 Vegan Food Products I Found in Italy

I traveled across Italy for two weeks, and these are some of the vegan products I found along the way! I was amazed at all the options I found: from pasta to biscotti, to gelato and pizza. You will definitely have many plant-powered alternatives to indulge in your vegan or plant-based Italian gastronomic fantasies. Here are 23 vegan products I chose to add to this list, but I hope you add many more in your own trip!

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