The Sustainable Travel Guide to Augusta, Georgia

A sustainable travel guide to Augusta, Georgia, for all the conscious travelers who want to visit this city any time of the year, or maybe for the Masters Tournament or the Ironman, without hurting the planet. This eco-friendly guide includes farmers’ markets, vegan and vegan friendly restaurants, sustainable clothing shops, and outdoor activities in Augusta, GA.

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Travel, Travel Guides Melina Travel, Travel Guides Melina

The Sustainable Travel Guide to New York City

New York City. The myth and the legend. The place that has earned its perennial crown by conquering the hearts of the young with such a force that they stay in love until they grow old. If you are going to visit this wonderful city, try to make it sustainably, so that you can enjoy the wonderful treasures New York City has to offer, while respecting the environment at the same time! That’s why I prepared this eco-friendly travel guide to NYC!

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Travel, Travel Guides, Music Melina Travel, Travel Guides, Music Melina

Coldplay's Sustainable Concert in New Jersey

One of the activities I enjoy the most is going to concerts. So far, I had considered Coldplay’s concert in Buenos Aires in 2017 to be my favorite one. It didn’t come as a surprise that when they announced their 2022 tour, I was curious, but mostly impressed at their sustainability statement. Coldplay is making their tours more sustainable and this is how they are doing it!

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