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The R’s of Sustainability To Live More Consciously

You are probably familiar with the term ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’, the pillars of sustainability, but there are even more ‘R’s to live an eco-friendlier life. Sustainability tackles the problem of resources being finite, and therefore strives to analyze ways in which all forms of consumption are dealt with in the most conscious way possible. Find out what the Rs of Sustainability are!

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Lifestyle, Home Melina Lifestyle, Home Melina

What Is The Difference Between Compostable and Biodegradable?

A great part of sustainable living is analyzing the impact of consumption, and what it means to buy something; not only where a product comes from, but also where it goes afterwards. ‘Biodegradable’ and ‘compostable’ labels, are sometimes used interchangeably, even though they aren’t the same. What’s the difference between a compostable and a biodegradable product?

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Lifestyle, Home Melina Lifestyle, Home Melina

Your First Steps Towards A Zero-Waste Home

If you just started your sustainability journey or are beginning to hear about zero-waste living, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed, but you don’t have to go zero-waste from one day to the other. These are my recommendations on how to take the first steps towards a zero-waste home and choose more sustainable products, always trying to strive for progress and not perfection.

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Lifestyle, Home Melina Lifestyle, Home Melina

The 4 Ingredients You Need to Clean Your Home

When I started trying to lead a more conscious life, one of the first positive changes I made at home was making my cleaning products more sustainable. I found these 4 ingredients with which I can make my favorite eco-friendly cleaning products. This way, we avoid buying unnecessary plastic, and we make sure the ingredients we use are vegan. The best thing about them is that they are multipurpose and will help you live more sustainably!

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Lifestyle, Home Melina Lifestyle, Home Melina

How To Avoid Single-Use Plastic Bottles

More than 1 million bottles of water are sold every minute globally, and Americans purchase about 50 billion water bottles annually. Most of these come from single-use plastic bottles produced by the big companies. Consumers have the power of demand and collective change, that’s why I’m sharing with you the best alternatives to single-use plastic bottles.

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Lifestyle, Home Melina Lifestyle, Home Melina

Why You Should Leave the Leaves On the Ground

The ceremony of leaves falling to give space to green ones before turning yellow and starting the circle again, is stunning and welcome, whereas the ceremony of sending them to the landfill is nothing short of harmful– an activity that’s bad for the environment. An easy way to be more sustainable at home and embrace a new habit that’s gentler on the planet, is to simply leave the leaves.

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15 Easy Ways to Start Being More Sustainable

These easy tips for being more sustainable can be useful for either the rookies who are just starting to be more sustainable, as well as for those who have been into sustainability for some time. From buying second-hand items, to transitioning to a plant-based diet, these tips will help you lead a more conscious life.

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Lifestyle, Home Melina Lifestyle, Home Melina

This Is the Most Important Change to Be More Sustainable

I know a lot of people who are trying to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle, and the first step they take to do so is accepting they can do better as living beings on this planet. However, before all of this comes the most important change you should make when you are starting to live more consciously, and it’s the base from which everything else unfolds: slowing down.

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Tips, Home, Lifestyle Melina Tips, Home, Lifestyle Melina

11 Different Ways to Repurpose Mason Jars

A common trait I’ve seen among many people, no matter how far they are into their sustainability journey, is hoarding mason jars. Even if they aren’t aware of it, they are living more consciously by attempting to reuse them. In case you don’t really know what to do with all those mason jars, I’m here to give you a few ideas on how you can make the most out of them, instead of sending them to the recycling bin. Reuse and repurpose before recycling!

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