Lifestyle, Home Melina Lifestyle, Home Melina

The R’s of Sustainability To Live More Consciously

You are probably familiar with the term ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’, the pillars of sustainability, but there are even more ‘R’s to live an eco-friendlier life. Sustainability tackles the problem of resources being finite, and therefore strives to analyze ways in which all forms of consumption are dealt with in the most conscious way possible. Find out what the Rs of Sustainability are!

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Sustainable Bucket List For Fall: 10 Eco-Friendly Activities To Do This Autumn

Autumn is my favorite season, and there are numerous typical activities you can do this beautiful season. However, because enjoying them consciously is so important, I made a bucket list for you with sustainable and eco-friendly activities to do this fall. This way, you can enjoy this colorful season, and take care of the world at the same time!

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Sustainable Bucket List for Spring: 18 Eco-Friendly Activities to Do This Spring

I have claimed that autumn is my favorite season, but why should I need to choose one? All four seasons have their own magical qualities, but Spring and Autumn have an undeniable charm. It is where we all converge, regardless of where we live. They are a point of reunion for all cities, a beautiful in-between, the democratization of weather. To enjoy this spring sustainably, here is a list of eco-friendly activities!

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